Utah Valley Rockers
Celebrating Musicians/Bands from Utah Valley
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David Rice
Profile Updated: July 26, 2012

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Yes! Attending Reunion
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Posted: May 22, 2014 at 2:14 PM
The Klick - Dancing Girl - 30 year reunion show
30 years after their untimely breakup, The Klick reunited for the first time at GeezerFest in Orem Utah, as they were getting ready to take the stage as the final act of the all day festival a microburst descended and halted the show. Not to be deterred, (Several members had flown in from out of state to do the show) the band and its diehard fans put together an impromptu house show. With only one practice in 30 years earlier that day, it was nothing short of a miracle they made it through the entire show. To see the same song but 30 years earlier go here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIFH_stdKoYPosted: Jan 07, 2014 at 9:41 PM
The Klick Dancin' Girl
The Klick Dancin' Girl 1983Powered by Class Creator