Utah Valley Rockers
Celebrating Musicians/Bands from Utah Valley
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Larry Crisp
Perfect Strangers
Lead Vocals
In our traveling band days we would drive around in our old step van (the Flight van) anywhere from the Navajo Reservation in AZ to Dubois, Wyoming. Wyoming in those days, by most accounts, paid more for live bands than just about any place in the country. It was booming with energy exploration and a lot of "adventurous" people starved for entertainment. We found ourselves on several occasions traveling in big snow storms in that van and unfortunately, the wind shield wipers didn't work. Dave as always, wanting to serve, volunteered to become the designated "wiper blade". With a brush in hand, sometimes traveling over treacherous, ice covered mountain passes, Dave would bravely lean out the drivers side door (it was a big sliding door) while I would drive and clear the windshield. Dave and I would do the majority of the driving. He wouldn't sleep when I drove - don't know if he was just wanting to keep me company or just nervous - probably both.
I remember in the middle of the night once while driving back to Provo from a gig in southern Utah, we were somewhere between Green River and Price when out of nowhere a giant bird (I think it was an owl), flew into the drivers side door. Of course the explosive noise woke everyone up. Dave and I were stunned but laughing when the rest of the band had no idea what had happened and were asking why the cab was full of raining feathers!
Larry's Photo Gallery

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